Craig's cookbook recommendations
This is a list of fairly basic cookbooks that I recommend for everyone
who likes to cook or wants to learn to cook.
Betty Crocker's Cookbook by the Betty Crocker Editors. I
have the 1980 Third printing edition, Copyright 1978, 1969. This book
has all the basics in it. If you want to know how long to boil corn,
or how to cook a hunk of meat, or how to make a salad, this book has
the instructions. The recipes tend to be tried and true, down home
standards. Since this edition is no longer in print I recommend the current version: Betty Crocker Cookbook: Everything You Need to Know to Cook Today, New Tenth Edition.
Crocker's International Cookbook by Betty Crocker.
This book has lots of great recipes in it, including the Szechwan
Chicken recipe and the Cream of Mushroom soup recipe I have on
my recipes page.
I've tried many of the recipes in this book, and, in general, I like
them. I should probably put a few more of them here. My
edition is the 1980 hardcover edition, which is now out of print. My
copy of this one is falling apart,
and I have difficulty keeping all the pages in order in it.
Frugal Gourmet
by Jeff Smith. This is one of my favorite cookbooks because Jeff Smith
cooks much like I do, and seems to have the same tastes in food. I'm on
my second copy of this book, I gave my first copy to my mother. This
cookbook has great tasting recipes, often with interesting stories
about where the recipes were obtained, or the history of the dish. The
copy I have now is the 1984 edition, and was autographed by Jeff Smith
in 1989. I use this book so much that it's paper cover is quite worn
and torn on the edges and the binding is starting to go. Alas, this
book is out of print.
New York Times Cook Book by craig Claiborne. I have
a version of this book that I purchased back in 1979, and
made some changes, additions, and deletions since then. The first
printing of this book was in 1961. I like it because it has an
interesting recipe
for just about everything. If this book doesn't have something,
then my next recommendation is bound to have it.
of Cooking by Irma S. Rombauer, et al. My copy is
the 1975 edition. This one pretty much has a basic recipe for
everything. If you know what you want to make and just need a recipe,
this book or the NYT cookbook above will have a recipe
for you. It is actually rare that I use this cookbook since I
can just search for any recipe on the Internet.
I have lots of other cookbooks, but these that I've recommended here are the
ones I use the most. Many of the cookbooks in my collection were given to me by
my mother (Thanks Mom!), who has
hundreds, if not thousands, of cookbooks and recipe collections.
Other Interesting Recipes
Here is a link to some low fat, complex carbohydrate recipes, although I
think they need more protein. Most of these seem to have an Indian (from India)
style: Low Fat, Complex
Carbohydrate recipes []
And here is a link to a
book of high fat, high carbohydrate, high calorie, delicious recipes: Eat
Dangerously []. The publishers site for
this book [] has some sample